Thursday, August 28, 2008

Superman can fly around the world backwards to turn back time!

Don't you wish you could unsend email? Especially when you send an email with a blog link to someone who you would rather not invite to read your blog. Yes, the blog is public. Yes, I am all out there and don't choose to control who can access the blog. But, then again, I don't personally invite EVERYONE to visit, either.

While we are wishing to change the past, don't you wish we had a "retract" function on words that we speak? Restraint of tongue, pen, and the send button. Hmmmm.


  1. LOL! I have to be very careful what I write because my mother reads my blog!

  2. Right there with you. When I was sick I shared my blog with people I now wish did not read it. I also recently sent an email I really wanted to "unsend."

  3. on actually can unsend email...that is if the person hasn't read it.

    yeah i hear you...privacy can be essential at times. there is a way you can make your blog private just for friends.

    good luck!

  4. I made a decision to make my blog public and, most of the time, I am really glad I did. I feel like I am FINALLY, COMPLETELY myself in every area of my life instead of compartmentalizing my image to suit the people I'm dealing with. I just need to read my emails before I hit send.
    Lazy J

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